Insulin For All Act of 2023
Today, United States Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Cori Bush introduced the Insulin
for All Act of 2023. The Insulin for All Act is the culmination of years of relentless and
unwavering grassroots patient advocacy. This is what we have been fighting for.
The Insulin for All Act will prohibit insulin manufacturers from charging more than $20 per 1000
units of insulin, regardless of insulin type or delivery method. More than 30% of insulin dependent
diabetics ration insulin due to its price, but only in the United States, where a vial of insulin is
$300. The Act is crucial to ensuring that American diabetics’ lives are protected and are no longer
held hostage by for-profit insulin manufacturers. The Insulin Initiative calls on all members of
Congress to pass the Insulin for All Act of 2023 expeditiously and in a bipartisan manner. Eight
million insulin dependent American lives hang in the balance.
The Insulin Initiative was formed by grassroots diabetes advocates. We will not stop fighting until
the Insulin for All Act of 2023 is enshrined into law to ensure that insulin is priced affordably for
all Americans regardless of health insurance status.
In solidarity,
Laura Marston and Samantha Leon
The Insulin Initiative